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Happy Monday, !

today, I want to share a little coaching question with you.

Look at your goals & vision and then ask yourself:

What would have to happen for you to say that this week was successful & fulfilling?

This is such a powerful question and gets you to focus straight on what is truly important.

What would YOUR answer be, ?

🕐 Maybe you realize that - in a successful & fulfilling week - you would have taken some space for yourself, scheduled in some me-time, and made sure to take a breather.

💯 Maybe you would have to doubled-down on your top 3 action steps - and come up with the motivation & discipline to follow through.

💡 Or maybe you don’t even know what would have to happen - so you’d maybe remind yourself of your goals & vision first, and then get curious about what would lead you there. 

Me? I ask myself this question regularly.

What would have to happen for me to say that this was a successful & fulfilling week?

For this week, for example, I know that I would have

👉 shown up fully and brought my A-game for my 1:1 clients,

👉 created some materials for my upcoming Impostor Syndrome course, and

👉 prepared myself for two important meetings next week.

Also, I'd have

💛 scheduled in & taken time for my own mindset work, and

💛 unplugged intentionally to enjoy the time I’ve got scheduled with my love, friends & family this week.

Now, here's the important thing: this is not your regular to-do list!

Of course, if I just looked at my to-do list, there's much more that I could and will do.

But it's not about listing everything you have to do and then trying to push as much as you can into your schedule. (I know that you have a never-ending to-do list, so if you wait to feel happy & fulfilled until you're through with it... good luck with that one 😅)

It's about focusing on what's actually important and becoming aware of what will make your week meaningful.

It’s a solid journal prompt, right? 

So, give it a try, .

Imagine yourself at the end of this week, when everything has already happened and you're confidently looking back at it. What would you have to look back at for you to be like, "Actually, that was really a great week! I'm proud of myself. I'm happy with how things went..."? 

Don't just rush through it. Enjoy it.

Once you’ve found your answer, hit reply to this email or DM me on LinkedIn or Instagram and tell me what you’ve come up with, okay? ;)

I can’t wait to hear from you!

And, , remember: the world needs your gifts now more than ever, so don’t be afraid to shine and step forward.

I’m rooting for you,

Your Coach, Monika

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Monika Lerch
Bennoplatz 8
1080 Vienna

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